This is a salute to my amazing and loving mother Ann
My mother turned 94 this summer and continues to astonish her family with her spirit and determination. She’s not in the best of health (she is 94), but when we arrive every Sunday for our weekly visit she’s full of excitement at seeing us again. She makes it clear that at that moment, we are the only thing that’s important to her… okay, that and the food we bring her ;-)
We see her almost every week, but I’ve gotten lazy with bringing my camera which is something I know I need to fix. And a better subject I couldn’t find. She’s remarkably unselfconscious and happily sits while I snap away.
I just turned 64 recently and I realize how lucky I am to have my mother still with us. The rhythm of our weekends very much revolves around these visits… this ritual. Here’s a few photos from our visit this past weekend. Hopefully, lots more to come.