I am trying to keep it simple. This week I took a few days off of Instagram to give my brain a rest. I have to say it felt good. Maybe this will become permanent, time will tell.
This website is a nice and simple placeholder for my photography. There’s no soap box, no drama. Just a few pictures now and then along with a story. It works for me at this stage in my life.
There’s no advertising, no SEO and really no great effort other than the simple task of editing a few images and posting them here.
Maybe I’ll add an email sign up at some point but it all seems a bit unnecessary. Frankly, if no one reads this it’s truly not the end of the world. I’ll still have three square a day.
The ego is a funny thing that way. At the gym (in the not so long ago days when we went to gyms) I would go three times a week to work on some strengthening skills. There’s no one to judge you if you’ve done it well or not, it’s really something you are doing by yourself and for yourself.
Photography on the other hand is an art. There’s good and there’s bad. I really want to learn how to do it well, to make things that are pleasing to me and to others. So do I forget about Instagram and focus on this ghost website that maybe no one will see? Or do I put some effort into its promotion. Damn, that’s starting to feel like my day job.
I’m going to get to simple. I’m going to find it. Maybe all the fun is in the journey. Stay tuned.