I’ve no idea how many times I’ve walked along Geary Ave. west of Ossington as well as Dupont St, between our house and Spadina Ave. Certainly dozens of times in the twenty five years we’ve lived in Hillcrest Village.
You know you can walk by the same darn buildings over and over again and never really see them. Having quite a bit of extra time on my hands, last week I set up a photography training session with Pat @laroquephotogram for this morning and his last text to me after I sheepishly admitted to being a stranger to my camera for the last couple of weeks was… “Anyhoo… pick up your camera a little ;)
Now Pat is the not a member of the tribe, but that was the best impersonation of a Jewish mother I could have imagined. The only thing he didn’t add was “would it kill you”? Hey it worked! I finally got off my duff and ventured out the door with camera in hand and Alice at my side.
It was a lovely, not quite spring day. There were line-ups at the Shoppers Drug Mart so Alice could buy emergency bandage supplies (we stopped off at two Shoppers to get the appropriate emergency bandage sizes), a glazed donut and coffee at a very empty Krispy Kreme (cause if the world is ending, what the heck, might as well eat empty carbs), all while I desperately looked for something worth shooting so I wouldn’t be completely empty handed for today’s session.
Well there’s nothing like desperation for energizing your creativity. Building’s that I’ve walked by plenty of times were new again. I changed things up by shooting square, and I was pleasantly surprised at how different the experience of shooting is when you’re not battling a 3:2 ratio.
So here they are. A few desperate images for our desperate times. And hey, if you need any bandages you know who to call.
Stay safe everyone.